coming soon all times are JST
2024-9-3-6 Events
Prof. E. Uchiyama co-organizes the following 2 events at RSJ 2024.
One on Sep. 3rd (Tue.) 18:00-20:00 OF11: このロボットがすごい!2024@AP Osaka Chayamachi Rm. A
and the other on 「日本ロボット学会 若手・学生のためのキャリアパス開拓研究専門委員会・ロボティクス勉強会運営会」 Sep. 6th (Fri.) 12:15-13:00 Luncheon @Osaka Institute of Technology Umeda Campus Rm.1004
The registration to RSJ is required if you join the luncheon, OF are open to the general audience without registration. @Osaka, Japan
2024-9-3 Invited talk
Prof. E. Uchiyama will give a talk on 「妊娠・出産・育児特集号について」 at the open forum 「だれもが自分らしい道を進めるように~育児と研究のワークライフバランス~」 at RSJ 2024. @Osaka, Japan
2024-9-6 Invited talk
GV will talk at the RSJ luncheon about 「査読者の立場に立ってみてはどうですか?」 (in Japanese). @Osaka, Japan
2024-10-3~4 Open lab
Interested in visiting our lab? We will be open from 14:00 to 16:00 on October 3rd and 4th of open lab. Fill the registration form to attend..
2024-10-23~26 Conference presentation
X. Indurkhya will present her work on "The Imaginary Robot Teacher: The Value of Sci-Fi in the Field of Educational Robotics" at the 16th Int. Conf. on Social Robotics. @Odense, Denmark
recent news
2024-8-1 New team member
Prof. V. Hernandez is joining us as a Lecturer. Welcome!
2024-4-1 New students
Welcoming 3 new master students, 4 undergraduate students and 3 more internship students this month, as well as a new visiting professor. Check our people page.
2024-3-22 and 26 Graduation ceremony
Congratulations to our undergraduate students at UT and our master and PhD students at TUAT for successfully finishing their research with us!
2024-2-26 Internship student
T. Rousseau from Reims University, France, is joining us for 6 months. Welcome!
2024-2-13 Internship student
C. Tsuji is joining for a research internship for a month. Welcome!
2024-1-30 Visiting professor & student
Prof. Dana Kulic and her PhD candidate Tin Tran from Monash University, Australia are visiting us for a week.
newly published
Robotics and Automation Letters
S. Shimizu, K. Ayusawa, G. Venture, Fast Direct Optimal Control for Humanoids Based on Dynamics Representation in FPC Latent Space, 9(4): 3823-3830, 2024.
X. Indurkhya, G. Venture, Lessons in Developing a Behavioral Coding Protocol to Analyze In-the-Wild Child-Robot Interaction Events and Experiments, 13(7), 1175. open access
Tokyo Forum 2024 Panel discussion
Trans. on Human-Robot Interaction
N. Abe, Y. Hu, M. Benallegue, N. Yamanobe, G. Venture, E. Yoshida, Human Understanding and Perception of Unanticipated Robot Action in the Context of Physical Interaction, 2024.
P. Osorio, R. Sagawa, N. Abe, and G. Venture, A Generative Model to Embed Human Expressivity into Robot Motions, 24, 569. open access
In Orange Prof. Venture's schedule, in Yellow Prof. Uchiyama's schedule, in Green lab related events, in Blue TUAT related events, in Pink conference related important dates.