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Where to find us?
Tokyo University - Hongo Campus
Department of Mechanical Engineering
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 - Japan
Google map
The lab offices are located in the Faculty of Engineering, building 2, on the 7th floor, rooms 71D1 & 71C1
It's about 7 min walk from Nezu or Todaimae stations or 10 min from Hongo 3-chome station.
How to contact us?
> email
Short term visitors
We usually welcome visitors with great pleasure.
We are happy to arrange for lab tours and seminars for our visitors.
If you are visiting Tokyo do not hesitate to contact us and come to see us.
We appreciate that you contact us at least 2 weeks prior your visit so that we can plan a productive visit.
We also arrange lab tours for groups for the general audience and for lectures and invited seminars.
For more information and for arranging your visit,
do not hesitate to contact us!
Prospective students and researchers
We welcome students and researchers at every stage of their career for collaborative work.
We can host for research internship, master, PhD, postdoc...
Contact us using the "want to join?" form at least 6 months prior to the date of your possible arrival in Japan.
The number of available positions is very limited, so please contact us as early as possible.
We do not financially support visitors, they have to find their own financial support. There exists a number of fundations that can grant financial support for your stay. For official grant and scholarship applications, please contact us at least 3 months prior to the official deadline of submission. Many applications have to go through our offices and internal deadlines (usually about 6 weeks) apply. In the absence of sufficient time we will not answer your requets.
JASSO provides information about scholarships.
If you are an already enrolled PhD student JSPS is a great funding agency when considering doing research with us.
Master degree holders and Bachelor degree holders with outsanding results (who successfully passes the equivalence interview) can apply to a Monbukagakusho scholarship, Moritani scholarship or apply to the University of Tokyo IME program...
If you are a prospective international student interested in joining the lab, you may also find useful information on the university of Tokyo, school of Engineering Office of International students webpage.
In any case use the "want to join?" form to contact us. Only applications made through the form will be considered.